Mobile massage therapists offer a convenient and relaxing service that allows you to enjoy a massage in the comfort of your own space. But what do they need to perform their work? Here are some of the supplies and equipment that a mobile massage therapist typically brings to a home.

A Portable Massage Table

This is the most essential item for a mobile massage therapist. A portable massage table is designed to be lightweight, sturdy, and easy to set up and fold. It usually comes with a carrying case and wheels for easy transportation. A portable massage table also has an adjustable height, tilt, and face cradle to suit different clients and preferences.

Massage Linens 

These include sheets, blankets, towels, and pillowcases that cover the massage table and the client. Massage linens are usually made of soft and breathable materials such as cotton or flannel. They are also sanitized and changed after each session.

Massage Oils

Massage oils, lotions, and creams are used to lubricate the skin during the massage. Massage oils, lotions, and creams can also have different aromas and therapeutic benefits depending on the ingredients. Some common examples are lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, chamomile, and coconut oil.

Massage Tools and Accessories 

These include items that enhance the massage experience or address your needs. Some examples are hot stones, cold packs, heating pads, rollers, balls, cups, and brushes. Massage tools and accessories can help with relaxation, pain relief, circulation, muscle tension, and more.

A Music Player and Speakers

Music can create a soothing atmosphere for the massage session. A mobile massage therapist may bring a music player and speakers to play ambient sounds or relaxing tunes that suit your preference. Alternatively, you may play your own music or have silence during the massage.

Cleaning Supplies

These include disinfectants, wipes, sprays, trash bags used to clean the massage table, linens, tools, and accessories after each session. Cleaning supplies are essential to maintain hygiene and safety standards for the therapist and the client.

These are some of the standard supplies and equipment that a mobile massage therapist brings to a home. Of course, each therapist may have their own preferences and variations depending on their style and specialty. The best way to find out what your mobile massage therapist will bring is to ask them before booking your appointment. That way, you can prepare your space accordingly and enjoy an excellent massage at home.
